Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Fluffy rainbows!

As all of you know here at Treat Mania, I try to make a variety of cakes, cookies, and treats! But these cupcakes are something completely different to anything I have EVER done before...
They have fluffy rainbows on them! As you may be wondering the 'fluff' also known as marshmallow fluff, you can get in any good sweet or cake shops. And the rainbows are multi-coloured sugary strips which you can buy from; Tesco, Cks, Asda, and pretty much any supermarkets!
Tip: Leave the cakes to fully cool before "fluffing" them, then leave the fluff to set before you put your rainbows on!
I hope that was a change to plain, old, boring cupcakes. I really enjoyed making them and I hope you will too! Don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments section below. 👇👇👇


  1. These are so cute! My daughter would love those! I'm definitely pinning this one, thanks for a great idea!
